how Korean lose weight fast

How Korean Lose Weight Fast | 11 Kpop Diet Tips and Secrets For Weight Loss

Aug 11, 2024Jih Jih

Wondering how K-pop idols are so skinny and how Korean lose weight fast? Here are Korean weight loss tips that can help you in your weight loss journey. Check it out!

Whoever travels to Korea will rarely see fat people walking around. Koreans prefer eating well-balanced meals which consist of protein, carbs, and fat as everyone should educate themselves about how much carbs and fats are enough.

Many people make mistakes regarding choosing a balanced diet for them. However, Koreans are very cautious in making such mistakes and tend to be picky while choosing a diet plan. Their expectations are focused on eating fewer calories than the daily amount of calories which usually leads to eating the correct amount. These vegetables are served with almost every meal and are the best for both flavors and keeping one healthy.

Sure there are some fried foods that Korean people eat. However, most of the time, Koreans avoid eating oil.

Koreans use many tips and tricks to lose weight so fast. A person could lose unwanted fat and extra weight by following the Korean diet plan. Not only would a person lose weight, but also, he will feel a significant change in his health. The best thing about the Korean diet plan is that it is not expensive at all. It is so simple and affordable.

How Korean Lose Weight Fast

High vegetable intake

The Korean diet contains a high vegetable intake, which helps them lose weight. Vegetables carry fibers and nutrition, which improves a person’s metabolism and helps them lose weight. Korean cuisines use many vegetables such as cucumbers, zucchini, and mushrooms. They contribute a lot in reducing your appetite and arousing a feeling of fullness.

Vegetables play a pivotal role in dieting as they are very fibrous and speed up the fat loss process by permitting us to feel more fulfilled without consuming extra calories.

Kimchi is one of the popular veggie dishes that contribute to weight loss and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It uses cabbage, radish, spring onions, garlic, and ginger. Vegetables and fruits have more nutrition and fewer calories than anything else.

Stay Hydrated

Koreans tend to stay hydrated to stay fit and slim. According to Melina Jampolis, an internist and board-certified physician nutrition specialist, water can promote feelings of fulfilled appetite. It stretches the stomach and sends signals of satiation to the brain. Water consumption before eating could reduce food intake. Finally, it helps in weight loss.

Detox Water is also very popular in Korea. Mint, lemon, and cucumber in water give an extra boost to the body and help the digestive system.

When we consume high water content, not only do we absorb nutritional value from the meal, but also we use only fewer calories.

kpop diet for weight loss

Walk Around

Koreans tend to be slim and fit by walking around 2-3 miles. Public Transportation in Korea is quite expensive, so people prefer to walk on foot from 1~ 5 miles a day to commute errands. (Average is about 2.5 miles per day) which helps them burn calories.

Most people living in Seoul use public transportation. Many of them are not in trains and buses. They take the stairs. A typical adult in Seoul completes his 10,000 steps a day just by traveling and performing daily activities

Think of how you can incorporate more walking into your daily life.

Portion Control

Portion Control means choosing a certain quantity of meals to control your diet. Koreans use a simple trick of employing measuring cups which help them in controlling their diet.

When you consume meals in large quantities, more calories will soak up in the body that later becomes fat. The Korean diet presents a variety of food items in small quantities. Koreans execute portion control well and replace fatty ingredients with healthy meals like vegetables and meat. It eventually leads to a calorie deficit.

For instance, Koreans prefer consuming half a bowl of rice with the soup. They give up fatty meats and switch over to fish or chicken.

korean diet to lose belly fat

Various Recipes Based on Rice and Grains

Koreans do not like eating huge blobs of meat like western people. In Asian Countries like Korea, rice and grains are the centers of the meal. Our body needs carbs and fiber, and grains carry both. Fibers are best for weight loss.

The main cooking method of a Korean meal is grilling, steaming, and boiling different types of grains, rice meat, and vegetables.

More Fermented Foods

Consumption of fermented vegetables is helpful in weight loss. Fermented food produces many nutrients and fiber in your body which subsequently help in losing weight. Fermented cabbage is also known as kimchi, provides additional prebiotic food for our digestive system

Fermented food and weight loss are connected in many ways:

• Gut bacteria act on the management of body weight.

• Generation of acetic acid in the fermentation process helps in reducing body fat

• Consuming strains of Lactobacillus (found in kimchi) also lead to weight loss

• kimchi makes your immune cells more active, boosting your energy levels.

Check out Korean drinking yogurt.

More Fish and Less Red Meat

“Fish is the best source of complete protein, which is important to help you feel full when you are trying to lose weight,” Jinan Banna, Ph.D. says. It can help stop overeating. A diet that is insufficient in protein may leave you feeling hungry, and you could end up eating extra food. You can cook fish in different ways without adding excessive fat and calorie-rich ingredients like cheese and creams.

Home-Cooked Meals

According to researches, Korean cook food at home as a warm gesture. However, that way, they could keep track of their calories and maintain their healthy diet. By preparing a meal at home, Koreans prevent themselves from consuming fast food, which keeps them slim and fit. Homemade meals allow you to control portions, value, quality, nutrition, hygiene, and food safety.

Korean Weight Loss Products

Medicinal Herbs

Koreans promote eating minimally processed food and medicinal herbs that have significant effects on weight loss. Garlic is rich in B6 and C which help in burning fats. Ginger also helps in cleansing blood and digesting food which finally leads you to lose weight and become fitter.

Medicinal herbs not only contribute to weight loss but also play a vital role in maintaining and improving your health conditions. These herbs have disinfectant properties and provide a soothing effect on the body.

Fitness as a Blooming Industry

Fitness is also a rising industry in Korea and is helping more of the population with proper methods of exercising such as resistance training and weight lighting. All you need are a couple of dumbbells and a little part of your day.

Ray Yang, a celebrity trainer stated during a body show that women would starve in past to lose weight. Now they exercise. The reason for this blooming industry is that Koreans are sometimes sensitive to the nutritional contents and calories of the food.

The principle of Korean diets depends on the food that is low in carbs as their culture is full of delicious meats and green vegetables. Korean philosophy to a healthy diet is to cut down the amount of oily which make them lose weight naturally.

Ingredients Koreans to Avoid to Maintain a Healthy Diet

Usually Korean food is very healthy and it offers many diet plans that have very small amounts of fatty items. However, there are some meals that contribute to making you fat. For instance, wheat, dairy products, oils, processed food etc.

  • Wheat

Food that contains wheat is not common among Koreans. For instance, pasta, bread, cereals, and wheat flour. Wheat contains a high level of super starch known as amylopectin A, which plays a role in increasing starch in the body. It subsequently leads to weight gain. Koreans prefer eating a well-balanced diet that consists of protein and carbs instead of eating wheat-based meals.

  • Dairy

Koreans avoid consuming dairy products for weight loss purposes. Dairy products such as yogurt, milk, ice cream, and baked goods contain estrone hormones, which contribute to weight gain.

  • Oily Food Items

Greasy food items are very high in calories, trans fats (bad fats) which lead to weight gain and obesity. Fatty Food contains fatty meat, sauces, and meals fried in oil. Koreans do consume fats but they prefer good and unsaturated fats.

  • Highly Processed and Sugary food

Highly processed and sugary food contributes a lot to increasing weight. Koreans avoid adding such meals to their diet. Sugary products increase blood sugar and produce insulin and leptin resistance. All of these contribute to excess body fat.

Sugar is also a source of empty calories and low nutrition, which play a significant role in weight gain.

What Are the best Korean Weight Loss Drinks To Stay Thin

best Korean Weight Loss Drink

Korean weight loss drinks, like weight loss beverages from other regions, should be approached with caution. While some may offer benefits in terms of hydration and potentially aiding in weight management, there’s no magic drink that will make you instantly thin. Sustainable weight loss requires a combination of a balanced diet, regular exercise, and a healthy lifestyle. However, there are some Korean beverages that can be incorporated into your diet to support your weight loss efforts:

  1. Green Tea: Green tea is a popular drink in Korea and is known for its potential to boost metabolism and promote fat oxidation due to its catechin content. Drinking unsweetened green tea can be a healthy addition to your diet.
  2. Barley Tea (Boricha): Barley tea is a common beverage in Korea and is often consumed as a low-calorie alternative to other sugary drinks. It can help keep you hydrated without adding many calories.
  3. Kombucha: While not originally Korean, kombucha has gained popularity in South Korea as a health beverage. It’s a fermented tea that may aid in digestion and support overall wellness. Be mindful of added sugars in commercial versions.
  4. Jeju Tangerine Tea: Made from Jeju Island’s famous tangerines, this tea is a natural source of vitamin C and antioxidants. It’s flavorful and can be enjoyed hot or cold.
  5. Yerba Mate: While not Korean, yerba mate is sometimes consumed in South Korea and is known for its potential to boost metabolism and provide energy. It’s a caffeinated beverage that can be a good alternative to sugary energy drinks.
  6. Lemon Water: Drinking warm water with lemon in the morning is a common practice in Korea. It may help with digestion and provide a refreshing start to your day.

Remember that the key to healthy and sustainable weight loss is a balanced diet, portion control, regular exercise, and overall lifestyle habits. While these Korean beverages may have some benefits, they should be part of a comprehensive approach to weight management and should not replace a well-rounded diet and healthy lifestyle. Always consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before making significant changes to your diet or weight loss plan.

extreme korean weight loss diets

What is the Korean Extreme Weight Loss Diet?

The Korean Extreme Weight Loss Diet, also known as the “K-pop Diet” or “Korean Idol Diet,” is a term used to describe various diets and eating patterns followed by some individuals, particularly those in the K-pop music industry, in their pursuit of rapid weight loss and a slender physique. It’s important to note that these diets are not recommended by healthcare professionals and can be dangerous to one’s health due to their extreme and restrictive nature.
Some common features of the Korean Extreme Weight Loss Diet may include:
Severe Calorie Restriction: Dieters may drastically reduce their calorie intake, sometimes to levels far below what is considered safe for maintaining overall health.
Limited Food Choices: The diet often consists of very low-calorie foods, such as fruits and vegetables, and excludes many essential nutrients.
Excessive Exercise: Some individuals may engage in intense workout routines or prolonged exercise sessions to burn calories rapidly.
Strict Meal Timing: Some versions of the diet prescribe strict meal timing or fasting periods.
Skipping Meals: Skipping meals, particularly breakfast, is a common practice in extreme weight loss diets.
Laxative or Diuretic Use: Some individuals may resort to using laxatives or diuretics to shed water weight quickly.
It’s important to emphasize that these extreme diets can lead to severe health consequences, including nutritional deficiencies, muscle loss, electrolyte imbalances, and can even contribute to eating disorders. Rapid weight loss achieved through such restrictive methods is often unsustainable, and the lost weight may return once normal eating habits are resumed.
Instead of pursuing extreme and potentially harmful diets, it’s advisable to prioritize a balanced and sustainable approach to weight management. Consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian can provide personalized guidance on achieving a healthy weight through a balanced diet, regular physical activity, and lifestyle changes.


In Korea, people tend to focus more on dietary control and functional food consumption as weight control strategies from the past decade. Their meals contain a lot of fiber, limited snacks, and low sugary products. All these factors allow them to keep themselves fit and slim.

Koreans eat healthy meals that help them control the number of calories they intake, their activity level is high due to their lifestyles, and they look for workout that builds muscle and keeps them healthy.

A person should make sure to apply these same habits and dietary plans into their lives to see a huge difference in how they look and feel.

Why You Should Trust BestKoreanProducts?

All our editors including the author of this article, Jih Yun do extensive research on the products reviewed and recommended in the article. We also use these products ourself to give you accurate, first hand information without any prejudice or bias. BestKoreanproducts has also got a team of medical reviewers and skincare experts to help give accurate advice and provide research-based facts concerning a product, its formulation or ingredients.

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