best multivitamin philippines

Best Multivitamin Philippines 2024 for Everyone

Jun 14, 2024Nicole Young

Last updated: January 2024

I get it - you’re always tired from your full-time job and you still have chores to do when you get home. Sometimes, even having healthy eating habits is difficult to do.

We want you to have a couple of minutes to think about your health and check out the best multivitamins in the Philippines, explicitly made for tired adults like you!

Multivitamins can save your health especially when access to healthy food items is not possible. While we do not recommend choosing synthetic vitamins over getting vitamins from food items, these products can help you nourish your mind and body. 

Top 8 Multivitamins in Philippines to Fill Nutritional Gaps

Keeping your bodies healthy and your brain functions always at its peak should always be our top priority. No matter how hard we work and study, we must always ensure that our health is not compromised. Check out these multivitamins below and keep yourself nutritionally healthy and active!

Top 8 Multivitamins Philippines to Fill Nutritional Gaps Best Price:
Centrum Silver Advance ₱375.00
Stresstabs Multivitamins ₱1,148.00
NutriHero Marine Collagen Multivitamins ₱848.00
Herbs Earth Complete Women’s Multivitamins ₱948.00
NEUROGEN E Vitamin B Complex + Vitamin E ₱373.62
Clusivol+ Multivitamins ₱714.00
Enervon Multivitamins ₱273.00
ABC Plus Multivitamins and Multi-Mineral with Zinc ₱584.10
What is good multivitamins in the Philippines?

Centrum Silver Advance

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For our loved ones ages 50 and up, we know that their bodies are changing and we have to focus on keeping them healthy. Centrum Silver Advance Multivitamins offer you the right support through the vitamins and minerals that all work together in one tablet of this product.

For our elderly, this multivitamin can keep their hearts healthy and their eyesight clear as the sky. It can also support the immune system because every tablet of the Centrum Silver Advance contains Vitamins A, C, and E, Selenium, and Zinc which are all known to improve immunity against diseases.

This product should be taken once a day, or as per the recommendation of your physician. Just a reminder, do not split or break the tablets as it can cause discoloration on the product.

Other Features:

  • Ensures that nerves are healthy
  • Helps turn food into energy
  • Offers better metabolism
  • 30 tablets per bottle

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Stresstabs Multivitamins

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Just surviving a day from a lot of work can be very stressful, and I fully understand all the adults out there who says they are always stressed out. Don’t worry, take all your worries away with a healthy body and mind and take Stresstabs Multivitamins daily.

These multivitamins can prevent vitamin deficiencies caused by stress and poor eating habits when your stress is taking over you. You can take one tablet a day one hour before or two hours after taking your meal. Finish it up with drinking a full glass of stomach for better efficiency.

Other Features:

  • Helps fight the effect of stress
  • Contains Vitamin C, E, B-complex, and Iron

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NutriHero Marine Collagen Multivitamins

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Sometimes, topical skincare products are not enough if you are not giving your skin the nutrients that it needs from the inside. Take some Marine Collagen Multivitamins for better skin elasticity and collagen production.

With continued use, these multivitamins can also help you have stronger and healthier hair growth. It is also beneficial for our elderly since it can strengthen the bones, joints, and ligaments too. Joint pain from arthritis can also be effectively reduced by taking this product.

The main ingredient of this multivitamin, wild marine collagen, is extracted carefully to ensure that all vitamins and minerals are retained until it reaches your body. It also has no fillers, gluten, and sugar to make sure that it is dissolved properly and fast once it enters your body.

Other Features:

  • Effectively prevents premature aging
  • Improves energy production and increases stamina
  • Aids in digestion
  • Non-GMO
  • No gluten

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Herbs Earth Complete Women’s Multivitamins

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Do you believe that women are more prone to stress? Actually, women are more likely to suffer from stress according to science. If you have been feeling down and exhausted lately, don’t worry, pretty lady! The Herbs Earth Complete Women’s Multivitamins is here to help you feel better.

For women who usually have painful cramps during their menstrual period, the wild yam and cranberry ingredients of this product can help reduce the pain. Also, it can improve your overall health and increase your energy levels.

The best feature that I love about these multivitamins is that they can regulate mood swings that are usually one problem when a woman cannot handle stress. You can win your day without worrying about your energy, mood, and stress with just one tablet of the Herbs Earth Complete Women’s Multivitamins.

Other Features:

  • Offers women with immunity support
  • Packed with vitamins A, C, D, E, B-complex and other nutrients
  • Can regulate hormonal changes
  • Immune-boosting supplement

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NEUROGEN E Vitamin B Complex + Vitamin E

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Have you been feeling numbness and tingling sensation on your hands, knees, calves, and feet? You might be experiencing Vitamin B deficiency that affects your nerves. The NEUROGEN E Vitamin B Complex + Vitamin E can help solve this nutritional deficiency and maintain the normal functions of your nervous system.

Aside from the complete Vitamin B complex, this multivitamin also contains Vitamin E that helps maintain the health of your nerve tissues. Take one tablet daily and give your brain a favor by keeping its health always on the peak.

Other Features:

  • Can relieve muscle pain and loss of reflexes
  • Can be used as a treatment that requires high doses of Vitamin B

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Clusivol+ Multivitamins

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During this hard time, we know that getting sick is the last thing that we want to happen to us. So, treat your body with Clusivol+ Multivitamins to make sure that you are getting the right amount of vitamins and minerals that you need to start through your day.

This multivitamin brand has tons of vitamins, and minerals to treat and prevent micronutrient deficiency. Strengthen your immunity against diseases and help your body fight off any illness by taking one tablet of the Clusivol+ Multivitamins everyday.

Other Features:  

  • Helps strengthen immunity
  • One tablet a day
  • Has nutrients that can help in the production of energy

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Enervon Multivitamins

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With proper nutrition and exercise, Enervon Multivitamins are ready to support your body and keep it at the peak of its health. You would always be ready to slay a tiring day ahead because this multivitamin ensures that your immunity will never let you down especially during this time of the pandemic.

This vitamin works hand in hand with food, so you would never have to forget to take in healthy foods and having proper exercise. Always be at your highest potential every day when taking Enervon Multivitamins.

Other Features:

  • Helps create new red blood cells
  • Also has antioxidants
  • Helps promote increased energy

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ABC Plus Multivitamins and Multi-Mineral with Zinc

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Hard working adults find it hard to even cook healthy meals after a long tiring day. As result, you can have micronutrient deficiencies which would make you feel more tired and exhausted after work. The ABC Plus Multivitamins and Multi-Mineral with Zinc can help you have the proper immune support for your body.

With the combination of Vitamin C, D, and Zinc, you can fight off any illness and diseases that may harm your body. This multivitamin brand can also improve your brain health, making you even more productive in your workplace.

Forget about nutritional deficiencies and make every day the best day for you and your body with the ABC Plus Multivitamins and Multi-mineral with Zinc!

Other Features:

  • Can improve brain function
  • Promotes proper growth and development
  • Corrects nutritional deficiencies

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Which multivitamin brand is best Philippines?

What does your body do with a multivitamin?

When you take a multivitamin, your body breaks down the vitamins and minerals into individual components and absorbs them into the bloodstream.

The vitamins and minerals from the multivitamin are then used by the body for essential functions, such as aiding in proper digestion, helping to produce energy, providing essential nutrients for healthy skin, nails, hair, and bones, assisting with the formation of new blood cells and supporting a healthy immune system.

Moreover, some multivitamins contain antioxidants which help to protect cells from damage, slow down the aging process, and fight off chronic illnesses.

Is it good to take multivitamins everyday?

Taking multivitamins everyday can be beneficial for many people. In addition to helping people maintain a balanced diet when it is difficult to obtain all the necessary nutrients from food, multivitamins can help fill in any nutritional gaps and provide essential vitamins and minerals.

For some individuals, multivitamins can help improve energy levels and overall health. Taking a multivitamin everyday can also offer protection against certain illnesses and infections, as it can help boost the immune system.

Although multivitamins are helpful, they should not be used to replace a balanced diet. Before beginning a daily multivitamin regimen, it is important to consult a doctor to make sure it is appropriate for an individual's particular health needs.

When should I take my multivitamin?

Multivitamins are a great way to ensure you are getting all essential vitamins and minerals your body needs to remain healthy. When deciding when to take a multivitamin depends on which type of multivitamin you are taking.

For most multivitamins they advise to take once a day with food, preferably with breakfast. It's best to take the supplement at the same time every day and the instructions on the package can help guide you as to what time that should be.

Furthermore, if you are taking other medications it is important to discuss with your doctor beforehand as certain medications, such as antibiotics, may affect how your body absorbs the multivitamin, making it less effective.

Multivitamin Philippines

We all just want a healthy body and mind every day, without worrying about getting too sick. That’s when multivitamins can really help us, especially now that food is scarce due to the pandemic. When choosing multivitamins, you must take into consideration if the product is approved by the FDA or Food and Drug Administration.

Having proper certifications assures you that these supplements are safe for you and your body. The list and amount of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients must also be at the right amount of the daily requirement of our bodies. Some vitamins like A, D, E, and K must not be at their 100% daily value because you would still be obtaining these vitamins from your food. These vitamins can cause toxicity if they are consumed above the 100% daily requirement.

If you have medical conditions, it is highly advisable to consider talking to your physician or nutritionist regarding these vitamin supplements. 

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