
15 Types of Japanese Fruits | Guide To Naive Japanese Fruits

Apr 18, 2024Shopify API

Wondering what are the types of Japanese fruits? Well, check out this list of Japanese native fruits that are delicious and reap so many health benefits. Read further to know more. 

There are so many different varieties of Japanese fruits available in Japan. There are many of these Japanese fruits that are available all across the planet. I am pretty sure you will be able to recognise most of the various types of Japanese fruits that I have listed here.

However, there are also some fruits that are native to Japan and may not be known to you. In Japan, you will most probably be introduced to these fruits during dessert at the end of the meal.

Which are the types of Japanese fruits? 

  • Nashi
  • Ringo
  • Kaki
  • Mikan
  • Yuzu
  • Kinkan
  • Momo
  • Sakuranbo
  • Ume
  • Ichigo
  • Budo
  • Melon
  • Suika
  • Kiwi
  • Ichijiku (fig)

The prices of these fruits are also reasonably priced and are commonly found in regular supermarkets. 

Here are some of the most common types of Japanese fruits that are so good you will want to get more of them on every visit to Japan. Let’s discover some of the Japanese fruit names with pictures.

Types of Japanese Fruits

Pome Japanese Fruits

Nashi - Japanese Pear

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I still remember the time when I tasted this amazing fruit when I visited Japan. It is completely different from a western pear in terms of its size, shape, texture, and even taste. 

I just loved how crispy and fruity the nashi tasted when I took my first bite. It is a perfect summertime fruit; light and crispy. 

Since the water content is high in them, it is easy to prepare jam or sweets from them. It also makes sure the water content in your body is at a good level.

Ringo - Japanese Apple

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This fruit is named after Mount Fuji. Ringo, which means apple, is a very famous fruit all over the world and is loved by everyone.

 I love Ringo and trust me when I say that it tastes amazingly juicy, fruity, and even sour sometimes. But that slight sourness just adds to the wonderful flavor of this fruit. 

It is a fruit the size of a ball, red in color, crispy in texture, and fruity in taste. As it is said "An apple a day keeps a doctor away", so does this fruit with its high nutritional properties which help to make your immune system stronger.

Kaki - Japanese Persimmon

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Here is another pome fruit that you must eat in the autumn and winter season. This fruit, named Kaki, is also like nashi and apples that taste juicy and crispy. It’s often called the Japanese persimmon.

It is a perfect evening snack and is eaten raw after peeling. In terms of its taste, it is not completely sweet or sour but the combination of both is absolutely delicious. I have tried this and I instantly felt fresh after eating it.   

Citrus Japanese Fruits

Mikan  - Japanese Orange

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I love citrus fruits and they are always on top of my list when I go out to purchase this as it’s one of the types of Japanese oranges.

These oranges are something I would prefer over anything as the juiciness and freshness of this fruit make you want it more and more. 

Either you can eat them or have a glass of juice extracted to feel energetic and fresh. I usually prefer drinking a glass of pure orange juice as it takes away all my tiredness in a minute. 

The taste is sometimes sweet and more often tangy, which is a perfect match for hot days. This is one of my favorite types of Japanese fruits.

Yuzu - Japanese Lemon

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Lemon is my favorite fruit not because of its taste only but because of its various multiple uses and its refreshing fragrance. This is one of the types of Japanese fruits that should be eaten seasonally.

It tastes extremely sour so it is basically used to season the dishes and to add acidity to them. There are multiple health benefits attached to this fruit such as eliminating skin-related problems, helping in weight loss, improving digestion, and many more. 

Kinkan - Japanese Orange

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This is one of the citrus types of Japanese fruits that I tried and became a fan of. Although it is citric, it doesn't overpower the taste of sourness, rather it is light and edible. 

This fruit is just like orange and the only difference is you eat it without peeling. Such fruits are mostly used to prepare jams and marmalades so as to enjoy the best of them in the daily meals.    

Stone Fruits Native To Japan

Momo - Japanese Peach

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Momo is a Japanese name for peaches that are the most common and famous fruit of Japan. Peaches are sweet because of their high sugar content and also juicy. I ate them raw and the flesh just tasted delicious.

A touch of refreshing acidity makes this fruit a favorite snack for all. Peaches are also used for preparing wines in Japan and there are many Japanese prefectures that deal with it. Momo is one of the best types of Japanese fruits.

Sakuranbo - Japanese Cherries

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I love cherries! This one is a wild cherry that mainly is in season in mid-summer. Although, they were imported from the West to Japan. The bright red color will make you want to eat as many as you want as the taste is sweet, sour, and something that makes you feel good.    

Ume - Japanese Plum

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Plums are known for their sour taste and are not eaten raw. Plum, which is known as ume, is one of the types of Japanese fruits that are consumed in different ways like a pickle or in the form of wine. 

I always prefer curry with rice but when I ate them with ume pickle, they tasted absolutely delicious. The flavor gets beautifully balanced with the meal you are having and just enhances the taste. On the other hand, I also tried ume wine and fell addicted to it. 

Native Japanese Berries Fruits

Ichigo - Japanese Strawberry

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Ichigo is one of the best types of Japanese fruits or rather a berry, which is known as strawberry in English. It is now found everywhere in Japan. 

In winters and early spring, I only want strawberries as they taste different from what we call the combination of sweet and sour. 

It basically depends on how ripe your berries are. You can enjoy this fruit in its original form or in various shakes and desserts. The fruity and juicy flavor with a hint of acidity will just make your day as beautiful as the strawberry looks.

Budo - Japanese Grape

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Budo means grapes and grapefruit is very much preferred in Japan. Japanese Buda grapes are different from western grapes in terms of their size, thickness, and even taste. 

Usually, grapes are eaten in their raw form but these are required to be peeled and then eaten because of the thick layer. 

These good qualities and rich flavored Japanese grapes are also used in making liquors and wines so as to keep the royalty of the fruit intact. When I ate these purple grapes, I was thrilled and so you will!

Melons Native To Japan

Melon - Japanese Honeydew

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Melons are one of the luxurious types of Japanese fruits and there are numerous varieties available. They are expensive but it is worth the price you pay. These Japanese summer fruits are refreshing and healthy for the gut.

There are green flesh, orange flesh, white flesh, and others available. These are mostly eaten raw and when I had an amazing meal for dinner in Japan, I was offered this as a dessert, and trust me, I loved it. 

It tasted sweet and juicy at the same time. The fragrance is another beautiful thing about this fruit as it makes you feel fresh.

Suika - Japanese Watermelon

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When it is summertime, I shift my focus to watermelons. They are huge in size and contain a very large amount of water content. On a hot summer day, this is what you must try! 

They are sweet, juicy, crunchy, and just so refreshing that you wouldn't stop asking for another piece. Eating this fruit in summers will keep you hydrated and may also help improve heart-related problems. 

Watermelons are my absolute favorite. The high water content that this fruit has makes it highly desirable. I also love the delicious flavor of this fruit. It is totally lip-smacking. I am pretty sure many of you feel the same way about this deliciousness. 

Other Fruits Native To Japan

Kiwi - Japanese Fruit

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Kiwi is another fruit that is eaten in the winter season. It is a round-shaped fruit with a hairy and thin layered brown skin that is easily peeled off before eating. 

This fruit is not so thick or thin and more like a thick jelly with a sour taste to it. I oft

ten prefer it while working as it just opens up your senses and makes you work with strong concentration. 

Ichijiku - Japanese Fig

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In Japan, Figs are peeled and eaten raw. However, the Japanese also love their figs in their dried form or when they are processed into jams. 

Figs are usually found during late summer and early fall. I am sure you must have seen this fruit, or even tried it. If you have not, you really should give it a try. 

What are the different types of Japanese fruits?

There are various types of Japanese fruits. Most of them are also produced around the world with different names.

 Some Types of Japanese fruits are Nashi (Japanese pear), Ringo (Japanese apple), Kaki (Japanese persimmon), Momo (Japanese peach), Ume (Japanese plum), Ichigo (Japanese strawberry), Budo (Japanese grapes), Mikan (Japanese oranges), kiwi and melons. 

What fruit grows in Japan?

Many types of Japanese fruits grow in the country like Momo, Yuzu, Suika, Melon, Kiwi, Kinkan, Ume etc. These fruits are seasonal and great for health.

Which is the most popular fruit in Japan?

Some of the most popular fruits in Japan are Nashi, Mikan, Momo, Ichigo, melon, and kiwi.

Why is Japanese fruit so expensive?

Japan has a competition of buying and producing the most aesthetic looking fruits which is a reason for hiked up prices. In Japanese culture, people exchange fruits with each other like Americans exchange wines during special occasions. Japan sells one of the most expensive types of Japanese fruits in the world.

What is the most expensive fruit in Japan?

The most expensive fruit ever sold is the Yubari King melon. This fruit originated in Yubari, Hokkaido, and set a record of being the most expensive Japanese fruit ever sold.

What are Japanese Strawberries?

Amaou strawberry are the kind of strawberries that are popular in Japan. It's a special type of strawberry that is grown in Japan's Fukuoka prefecture. Amaou strawberries are extremely popular in the winter in Japan. They are sweeter than normal strawberries and also bigger. Amaou strawberries are bright red in color, brighter than usual strawberries.

What is the sweetest Japanese fruit?

Fuyu is considered the sweetest Japanese fruit in Japan. This sweet Japanese fruit is in season during late october. It's a persimmon Japanese fruit with juicy and soft flesh.

What is the healthiest Japanese fruit?

The healthiest Japanese fruit is the persimmon. It is a good source of dietary fiber, potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin A. Persimmons are also a good source of antioxidants, which can help protect cells from damage.

Here are some of the health benefits of persimmons:

  • Improved digestion: Persimmons are a good source of dietary fiber, which can help to keep the digestive system healthy. Fiber helps to add bulk to stool and promote regularity
  • Lowered blood pressure: Persimmons are a good source of potassium, which is a mineral that helps to regulate blood pressure. Potassium helps to balance the effects of sodium in the body, which can lead to lower blood pressure.
  • Boosted immunity: Persimmons are a good source of vitamin C, which is an antioxidant that helps to boost the immune system. Vitamin C helps the body fight off infection and disease.
  • Improved vision: Persimmons are a good source of vitamin A, which is an antioxidant that is essential for good vision. Vitamin A helps to protect the eyes from damage and can help to prevent age-related macular degeneration.

What is Japan's national fruit?

Japan's national fruit is the persimmon (kaki). It is a sweet and juicy fruit that is popular in Japan during the fall. Kaki can be eaten fresh, but they are also commonly made into dried fruit.

Persimmons are native to China and Japan, and they have been cultivated in Japan for centuries. The persimmon tree is a deciduous tree that can grow up to 30 feet tall. The fruit is orange or yellow in color, and it has a smooth skin. The flesh of the persimmon is soft and juicy, and it has a sweet flavor.

Persimmons are a good source of vitamins A and C, and they are also a good source of fiber. They are a healthy fruit that can be enjoyed fresh or dried.

In Japan, persimmons are often used in desserts, such as kakimochi (a dish of glutinous rice cakes and persimmons) and kaki no tane (a dish of persimmons with sugar and nuts). They are also used in drinks, such as kaki noshitayu (a tea made from persimmon skins).

Persimmons are a popular symbol of autumn in Japan. They are often seen in decorations and artwork during this time of year.

The persimmon was designated as Japan's national fruit in 2000. This was done to promote the fruit and to celebrate its long history in Japan.

Japanese Fruits for You

These are some of the various types of Japanese fruits that are so good, you will never be able to stop at just one bite.

 I am a huge fruit lover and these fruits really feel like heaven in a bowl. If you love clean and healthy food, you must try out these various types of Japanese fruits. 

I am pretty sure you will be able to find most of these types of Japanese fruits at your local supermarket, and if you cannot, how about tasting them on your next trip to Japan?

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